
I've now arrived at a crossroads in my art practice.

Until now, I have painted in my dining room, which has great light but the downside is that canvasses and their corresponding materials are constantly having to be cleared away.

So, I have had a bespoke art studio built in my garden in Hertfordshire. I have enjoyed posting the progress on my instagram account and followers seemed to also embrace the project. However, this was a large financial outlay and tends to put pressure on me to do more exhibitions and to find permanent gallery representation. To that end I am exhibiting my art in a number of exhibitions over the coming months which will hopefully give me more exposure.

As my work has progressed it has evolved into a more abstracted style and consequently I worry that it may not appeal to the client base I have built up. However, an artist must always grow and test themselves on their work, so I am confident that this is the right direction for me. I have already had some positive feedback from one of my collectors who will be visiting my studio soon.

As a complement to the new studio, I will be giving away a free piece of art on Instagram. Details will follow soon! So, if you sign up to my email's artist list on the website and follow me on Instagram, you have a chance of winning.


Artist v modern technology